
开展土壤学、作物学和微生物生态学多学科的交叉研究,着重于从事农田生态系统养分转化与利用、稻田土壤关键元素的生物地球化学循环、双季稻全程机械化栽培等方面。先后主持国家自然科学基金、中国科学院“西部青年学者”人才项目、“十三五”国家重点研发项目子课题等科研项目6项;参与基金委中德合作项目1项;近5年来,在国际土壤学和作物学主流杂志上发表SCI论文51篇;以第一作者(含并列)或通讯作者(含并列)发表SCI论文11篇,其中中科院JCR一区论文7篇。Google学术引用2800余次,H指数27,i10指数39。任Frontiers in Agronomy和ISME Communication杂志编委。
  • 中国科学院“西部之光”人才项目;2015-2017;主持
  • 国家自然科学青年基金(41601260)“外源碳调控亚热带红壤磷素的活化效应与微生物机制”2017-2019; 主持
  • 国家重点研发课题子课题“低效经济林养分均衡与品质提升技术2017-2020;主持
  • 国家重点研发课题子课题“双季稻田氮磷流失过程的生态化学计量特征” 2017-2020;主持
  • 湖南省高新技术产业科技创新引领计划子任务:设施农业土壤连作障碍修复关键技术研究与应用;2021-2022;主持
  • Xiaomeng Wei, Yajun Hu*, Guan Cai, Huaiying Yao, Jun Ye, Qi Sun, Stavros D.Veresoglou, Yaying Li, Zhenke Zhu*, Georg Guggenberger, Xiangbi Chen, Yirong Su, Yong Li, Jinshui Wu, Tida Ge (2021). Organic phosphorus availability shapes the diversity of phoD-harboring bacteria in agricultural soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 161, 108364. (中科院1区,IF = 7.61,通讯作者).
  • Yuqin Liang, Chuanfa Wu, Xiaomeng Wei, Yi Liu*, Xiangbi Chen, Hongling Qin, Jinshui Wu, Yirong Su, Tida Ge, Yajun Hu*. (2021). Characterization of nirS-and nirK-containing communities and potential denitrification activity in paddy soil from eastern China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 319, 107561. (中科院1区,IF = 5.57,通讯作者).
  • Xiangbi Chen, Yajun Hu#, Yinhang Xia, Shengmeng Zheng, Chong Ma, Yichao Rui, Hongbo He, Daoyou Huang, Zhenhua Zhang, Tida Ge, Jinshui Wu, Georg Guggenberger, Yakov Kuzyakov, Yirong Su* (2021). Cont rasting pathways of carbon sequestration in paddy and upland soils. Global Change Biology 27(11), 2478 2490. (中科院1区,IF = 10.86,并列第一作者).
  • Qi Sun, Yajun Hu*, Xiangbi Chen, Xiaomeng Wei, Jianlin Shen, Tida Ge, Yirong Su (2021). Flooding and straw returning regulates the partitioning of soil phosphorus fractions and phoD-harboring bacterial community in paddy soils. Applied microbiology and biotechnology, 105(24), 9343-9357. (中科院2区,IF = 4.80,并列第一作者).
  • Hang Qiao#, Longsheng Chen#, Yajun Hu*, Chenghua Deng, Qi Sun, Shaohong Deng, Xiangbi Chen, Li Mei, Jinshui Wu, Yirong Su (2021). Soil microbial resource limitations and community assembly along a Camellia oleifera plantation chronosequence. Frontiers in microbiology, 3690. (中科院2区,IF = 5.60,通讯作者).
  • Shaohong Deng#, Xiaodong Zheng#, Xiangbi Chen*, Shengmeng Zheng, Xunyang He, Tida Ge, Yakov Kuzyakov, Jinshui Wu, Yirong Su, Yajun Hu* (2021) Divergent mineralization of hydrophilic and hydrophobic organic substrates and their priming effect in soils depending on their preferential utilization by bacteria and fungi. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 57(1),65- 76. (中科院1区,IF = 6.43,通讯作者).
  • Yajun Hu, Stavros D. Veresoglou, Leho Tedersoo, Tianle Xu, Tida Ge, Lei Liu, Yongliang Chen, Zhipeng Hao, Yirong Su, Matthias C. Rillig, Baodong Chen∗ (2019) Contrasting latitudinal diversity and co-occurrence patterns of soil fungi and plants in forest ecosystems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 131: 100-110. (中科院1区,IF = 7.69,第一作者).
  • Qi Sun#, Husen Qiu#, Yajun Hu*, Xiaomeng Wei, Xiangbi Chen, Tida Ge, Jinshui Wu, Yirong Su. (2019) Cellulose and lignin regulate partitioning of soil phosphorus fractions and alkaline phosphomonoesterase encoding bacterial community in phosphorus-deficient soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils 1-12. (中科院1区,IF = 6.43,通讯作者).
  • Husen Qiu, Jieyun Liu, Yajun Hu*, Tida Ge, Xiangbi Chen, Yirong Su, Jinshui Wu. (2019). Stabilization of exogenous carbon in soil density fractions is affected by its chemical composition and soil management. Soil and tillage research 191:340-343. (中科院1区,IF = 5.37,通讯作者).
  • Yajun Hu#, Yinhang Xia#, Qi Sun, Kunping Liu, Xiangbi Chen, Tida Ge, Baoli Zhu, Zhenke Zhu, Zhenhua Zhang, Yirong Su*. (2018). Effects of long-term fertilization on phoD-harboring bacterial community in Karst soils. Science of the total environment 628(629):1395-1404. (中科院2区,IF =7.96,第一作者).
  • Songlin Wu#, Yajun Hu#, Xin Zhang, Yuqing Sun, Zhaoxiang Wu, Tao Li, Jitao Lv, Jinglong Li, Jing Zhang, Lirong Zheng, Longbin Huang, Baodong Chen*. (2018). Chromium detoxification in arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis mediated by sulfur uptake and metabolism. Environmental and Experimental Botany 147:43-52 (中科院2区,IF = 4.02,并列第一作者).
  • Tin Mar Lynn, Qiong Liu, Yajun Hu*, Hongzhao Yuan, Xiaohong Wu, Aye Aye Khai, Jinshui Wu, Tida Ge. (2017). Influence of land use on bacterial and archaeal diversity and community structures in three natural ecosystems and one agricultural soil. Archives of microbiology 199(5): 711-721. (中科院4区,IF = 1.88,通讯作者).
  • Yajun Hu, Songlin Wu, Yuqing Sun, Tao Li, Xin Zhang, Caiyan Chen, Ge Lin, Baodong Chen*. 2015. Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis can mitigate the negative effects of night warming on physiological traits of Medicago truncatula L. Mycorrhiza. 25(2): 131-142. (中科院3区,IF = 3.06,第一作者).
  • Yajun Hu, Dan Xiang, Stavros D. Veresoglou, Falin Chen, Yongliang Chen, Zhipeng Hao, Xin Zhang, Baodong Chen*. (2014). Soil organic carbon and soil structure are driving microbial abundance and community composition across the arid and semi-arid grasslands in northern China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 77:51-57. (中科院1区,IF = 7.69,第一作者).
  • Yajun Hu, Matthias C. Rillig, Dan Xiang, Zhipeng Hao, Baodong Chen*. (2013). Changes of AM fungal abundance along environmental gradients in the arid and semi-arid grasslands of northern China. PloS one 8(2): e57593. (中科院3区,IF = 2.78,第一作者).
  • 参编专著 《低产田改良新技术及其发展趋势》 科学出版社
  • 梁希林业科学技术二等奖(2021-KJJ-2-59)4/10