
2002.2-2003.3, 美国普渡大学,访问学者
  • 研究方向为水稻稻瘟病抗性基因工程与分子育种。先后主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、湖南省杰出青年科学基金项目1项、其他省部级科研项目10余项,参与国家级或省部级科研项目30余项;以主要完成人身份获省级科技进步奖一等奖1项、省级自然科学奖二等奖2项、省级科技进步奖三等奖1项,参与选育作物新品种8个,获国家发明专利5项,出版专著两部,在国内外刊物发表研究论文100余篇。
  • 国家自然科学基金委员会,海外及港澳学者合作研究基金项目,30828022,水稻假病斑调节基因Spl11介导的植物细胞程序化死亡及抗病信号传导机制研究,2009/01-2010/12,20万元,合作主持
  • 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,30571063,新广谱抗稻瘟病基因的分子克隆与功能鉴定,2006/01-2008/12,33万元,主持
  • 湖南省自然科学基金委员会,杰出青年基金项目,06JJ10006,广谱抗稻瘟病基因Pi9的同源等位基因的分离与鉴定,2006/07—2009/06,30万元主持
  • 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,31972256,稻瘟菌无毒效应因子AvrPii靶调蛋白AVIN6介导的抗病分子机制,2020/01-2023/12,58万元,参加
  • 国家科技部,转基因生物新品种培育重大专项,2016ZX08001-002,抗病转基因水稻新品种培育,2016/01-2020/12,90万元,子课题主持
  • Xinbo Chen,Mark Goodwin, Virginia L.Boroff,Xionglun Liu, Matthew A. Jenks*. Cloning and characterization of the WAX2 gene of Arabidopsis involved in cuticle membrane and wax production. The Plant Cell,2003, Vol.15,1170-1185
  • Xinbo Chen,S.Mark Goodwin,Xionglun Liu,Xinlu Chen,Ray A.Bressan,and Matthew A.Jenks*. Mutation of the RESURRECTION1 Locus of Arabidopsis Reveals an Association of Cuticular Wax with Embryo Development. Plant Physiology, October 2005, Vol.139,P.909-919
  • Liang-Ying Dai,Xiong-Lun Liu,Ying-Hui Xiao and Guo-Liang Wang*. Recent Advances in Cloning and Characterization of Disease Resistance Genes in Rice. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 2007,49(1):112-119
  • Jinling Liu , Xionglun Liu, Liangying Dai, Guo-liang Wang. Recent Progress in Elucidating the Structure, Function and Evolution of Disease Resistance Genes in Plants.Journal of Genetics and Genomics,2007,34(9):765-776
  • Qin-Fang Chen, Liang-Ying Dai, Shi Xiao, Yun-sheng Wang, Xiong-Lun Liu and Guo-Liang Wang*. The COL1 and DFR Genes are Essential for Regulation of Jasmonate-Induced Anthocyanin Accumulation in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 2007,49(9):1370-1377
  • JINLING LIU, XUEJUN WANG,THOMAS MITCHELL, YAJUN HU, XIONGLUN LIU,LIANGYING DAI, AND GUO-LIANG WANG*.Recent progress and understanding of the molecular mechanisms of the rice–Magnaporthe oryzae interaction. Molecular Plant Pathology,2010,11(3), 419–427
  • Liangying Dai,Jun Wu,Xunbo Li, Xuejun Wang, Xionglun Liu,Chatchawan Jantasuriyarat, Dave Kudrna,Yeisoo Yu,Rod A. Wing,Bin Han, Bo Zhou, Guo-Liang Wang*. Genomic structure and evolution of the Pi2/9 locus in wild rice species. Theor Appl Genet (2010) 121:295–309
  • Hongmei Huang, Ling Huang, Guangping Feng, Suhua Wang, Yue Wang, Jinling Liu, Nan Jiang, Weiting Yan, Lingchao Xu, Pingyong Sun, Zhiqiang Li, Sujun Pan, Xionglun Liu, Yinghui Xiao, Erming Liu, Liangying Dai, and Guo-Liang Wang* . Molecular Mapping of the New Blast Resistance Genes Pi47 and Pi48 in the Durably Resistant Local Rice Cultivar Xiangzi 3150. Phytopathology, 2011, 101( 5): 620 - 626
  • Xiao Yinghui, Pan Yi, Luo Lihua, Zhang Guilian, Deng Huabing, Dai Liangying, Liu Xionglun, Tang Wenbang, Chen Liyun, Wang Guo-Liang*. Quantitative trait loci associated with seed set under high temperature stress at the flowering stage in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Euphytica. 2011 ,178(3):331 -338
  • Yuese Ning, Chachawan Jantasuriyarat, Qingzhen Zhao, Huawei Zhang, Songbiao Chen, Jinling Liu, Lijing Liu, Sanyan Tang, Chan Ho Park, Xuejun Wang, Xionglun Liu, Liangying Dai, Qi Xie*, Guo-Liang Wang* .The SINA E3 ligase OsDIS1 Negatively Regulates Drought Response in Rice.Plant Physiology,2011, 157: 242-255
  • Jinling Liu ,Yajun Hu ,Yuese Ning, Nan Jiang ,Jun Wu, Jong-Seong Jeon ,Yinghui Xiao ,Xionglun Liu*, Liangying Dai, Guo-Liang Wang. Genetic Variation and Evolution of the Pi9 Blast Resistance Locus in the AA Genome Oryza Species.Journal of Plant Biology , 2011 , 54:294–302
  • Nan Jiang,Zhiqiang Li,Jun Wu,Yue Wang, Liqun Wu,Suhua Wang, Dan Wang,Ting Wen,Yi Liang,Pingyong Sun,Jinling Liu,Liangying Dai,Zhilong Wang,Chao Wang,Meizhong Luo,Xionglun Liu* and Guo-Liang Wang*.Molecular mapping of the Pi2/9 allelic gene Pi2-2 conferring broad-spectrum resistance to Magnaporthe oryzae in the rice cultivar Jefferson. Rice,2012,5:29.
  • Yue Wang,Dan Wang,Xiaojuan Deng,Jinling Liu,Pingyong Sun,Yang Liu,Hongmei Huang,Nan Jiang,Houxiang Kang,Yuese Ning,Zhilong Wang,Yinghui Xiao,Xionglun Liu,Erming Liu,Liangying Dai,and Guo-Liang Wang*. Molecular Mapping of the Blast Resistance Genes Pi2-1 and Pi51(t) in the Durably Resistant Rice ‘Tianjingyeshengdao’.Phytopathology, 2012,102:779-786
  • Pingyong Sun,Jinling Liu, Yue Wang,Nan Jiang,Suhua Wang,Yangshuo Dai, JiaGao,Zhiqiang Li,Sujun Pan,Dan Wang,Wei Li,Xionglun Liu,Yinghui Xiao,Erming Liu,Guo-Liang Wang*,Liangying Dai*. Molecular mapping of the blast resistance gene Pi49 in the durably resistant rice cultivar Mowanggu.Euphytica,2013, 192:45–54
  • Lingling Zhang,Xionglun Liu* and Junhua Peng*. Genetic Diversity and Geographic Di_erentiation of Tung Tree, Vernicia Fordii (Euphorbiaceae), A Potential Biodiesel Plant Species with Low Invasion Risk. Agronomy, 2019,9:402.
  • Zheng Dong, Wei Li, Jing Liu,Lihua Li,Sujun Pan,Saijun Liu,Jia Gao,Ling Liu,Xionglun Liu, Guo-Liang Wang &Liangying Dai*.The Rice Phosphate Transporter Protein OsPT8 Regulates Disease Resistance and Plant Growth.Scientific Reports,2019,9:5408.
  • Nan Jiang, Jun Yan, Yi Liang, Yanlong Shi, Zhizhou He, Yuntian Wu, Qin Zeng, Xionglun Liu* and Junhua Peng*.Resistance Genes and their Interactions with Bacterial Blight/Leaf Streak Pathogens(Xanthomonas oryzae) in Rice (Oryza sativaL.)—an Updated Review. Rice,2020, 13:3
  • Ye Sha,Yan Peng, Bigang Mao,Qiming Lv, Dingyang Yuan,Xiong lun Liu*;BingranZhao*.Allelic variations of the Wx locus in cultivated rice and their use in the development of hybrid rice in China.PLOS ONE ,2020, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0232279
  • 廖花,黄俊,刘雄伦*,刘金灵,李永聪,赖怡帆,张旭辉,王国梁. MAS育种改良籼稻恢复系R747及其杂交种稻瘟病抗性.分子植物育种,2019,17(10):3289-3296
  • 李永聪,匡博文,周小龙,刘芝妤,林晋军,肖应辉,刘雄伦*,刘金灵*.广谱抗稻瘟病基因Pi9 的共显性功能标记的开发与利用. 分子植物育种,2019,17(16): 5342-5346
  • 杨丰宇, 李永聪, 刘雄伦*, 刘金灵, 陈海龙, 廖花, 黄俊, 梁毅.分子标记辅助选择改良早籼稻1701 的稻瘟病抗性. 分子植物育种,2017 , 15(6 ):2212-221722.
  • 陈海龙,李永聪,刘雄伦*,刘金灵,杨丰宇,行璇,廖花,黄俊,刘建丰.MAS育种改良籼稻恢复系R599及其两系杂交种稻瘟病抗性.杂交水稻,2017,32( 5) : 61-65
  • 何觉民,戴君惕,邹应斌,张海清,周美兰,刘雄伦.两系杂种小麦的理论与实践.湖南科学技术出版社,1993.6
  • 何觉民,戴君惕,刘雄伦,等.生态遗传雄性不育理论与两系杂交作物.湖南科学技术出版社,1997.5
  • 基于协同创新机制的卓越农业人才培养,2016湖南省高等教育省级教学成果奖二等奖(第5)
  • 小麦远缘杂交创造新材料的研究,1999年贵州省科技进步一等奖(第6)
  • 作物耐旱基因克隆鉴定与分子机理研究,2009湖南省自然科学二等奖(第2)
  • 水稻广谱抗稻瘟病基因的克隆与抗病信号途径解析,2011湖南省自然科学二等奖(第3)