
2019-10—至今, 湖南农业大学与香港浸会大学联合培养博士后
2013-09至2017-12,Wageningen University & Research,作物生理与模型,博士
讲授《作物栽培学各论》、《农业概论》、《作物科学方法》等课程。2019年获湖南农业大学“教师现代教育技术应用能力竞赛” 三等奖
湖南省青年“百人计划”专家、湖湘高层次人才聚集工程-创新人才;在第四届国际水稻大会上做学术报告,并获得“Young Rice Scientist”的荣誉称号;湖南省作物学会理事、湖南省作物学会栽培委员会秘书长。近年来,主持湖南省教育厅优秀青年基金项目资助1项、杂交水稻国家重点实验室开放课题1项,湖南农业大学作物学科优秀青年基金1项。在New Phytologist、Journal of Experimental Botany、Plant Cell& Environment、 Field Crops Research等SCI期刊上发表第一作者论文7篇。 Journal of Experiment Botany、Frontier in Plant Science、PLOS One等杂志审稿人。
施婉菊, 高温条件下水稻产量和品质形成对水分调控的响应机制研究,18B109,湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目, 2018-2020,主持
施婉菊,高温条件下杂交水稻结实稳定性机制研究,2018KF05,杂交水稻国家重点实验室(长沙)开放课题, 2018-2021,主持
施婉菊,高温条件下的水稻氮肥调控技术及其机理研究, 2019年湖南省作物学国内一流建设学科经费,2019-2020,主持
施婉菊,Scientific and Knowledge Exchange Program - Bayer Crop Science,Physiological and molecular characterization of rice hybrids to heat stress, 2013-2015,37.5万美元,参加
Shi W, Li X, Schmidt RC, Struik PC, Xinyou Yin, Jagadish SVK. Pollen germination and in vivo fertilization in response to high temperature during flowering in hybrid and inbred rice. Plant Cell and Environment, 2018. 41(6): 1287-1297.
Shi W, Yin X, Struik PC, Solis C, Xie F, Schmidt RC, Huang M, Zou Y, Ye C, Jagadish SVK. High day-time and night-time temperature affect grain growth dynamics in contrasting rice genotypes. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2017, 68(18): 5233-5245.
Shi W, Yin X, Struik PC, Xie F, Schmidt RC, Jagadish SVK.Grain yield and quality responses of tropical hybrid rice to high night-time temperature. Field Crops Research, 2016, 190:18-25.
Shi W, Xiao G, Struik PC, Jagadish SVK, Yin X.Quantifying source-sink relationships of rice under high night-time temperature combined with two nitrogen levels. Field Crops Research, 2016, 202: 36-46.
Shi W, Lawas LMF, Raju BR, Jagadish SVK.Acquired thermo‐tolerance and trans‐generational heat stress response at flowering in rice. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 2016, 202: 309-319.
Shi W, Ishimaru T, Gannaban RB, Oane W, Jagadish SVK. Popular rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars show contrasting responses to heat stress at gametogenesis and anthesis. Crop Science, 2015, 55(2): 589-596.
Shi W, Muthurajan R, Rahman H, Selvam J, Shaobing Peng, Yingbing Zou, Jagadish SVK. Source–sink dynamics and proteomic reprogramming under elevated night temperature and their impact on rice yield and grain quality. New Phytologist, 2013, 197(3): 825-837.
Lawas LMF, Shi W, Yoshimoto M, Hasegawa T, Hincha DK, Zuther E, Jagadish SVK. Combined drought and heat stress impact during flowering and grain filling in contrasting rice cultivars grown under filed conditions. Field Crops Research, 2018, 229, 66-77.
Bahuguna RN, Solis CA, Shi W, Jagadish SVK. Post-flowering night respiration and altered sink activity account for high night temperature induced grain yield and quality loss in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Physiologia Plantarum. 2016, 159, 59-73.
Jagadish SVK, Craufurd P, Shi W, Oane R. A phenotypic marker for quantifying heat stress impact during microsporogenesis in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Functional Plant Biology, 2014, 41(1), 48-55.